Stoke St Gregory History Pages
ATHELNEY BRIDGE Three road bridges cross the Tone in what was the original parish. The present Athelney bridge is of concrete, but the previous one, as recorded in 1791, was a two-arched wooden structure, where the former turnpike crossed the Tone south-east of Athelney island. The Taunton-Wells turnpike passed through West and East Lyng and then ran along the Baltmoor wall south of Athelney Farm to cross the Tone at Athelney Bridge. After travelling through Athelney, and turning left over Stanmoor Bridge the route kept to the river bank to reach Burrowbridge. The 'new' road we use today was built between 1803 and 1806 across Salt moor from the eastern end of East Lyng village direct to Burrowbridge.

In this view across the Tone, looking at Athelney Farm and Cuts Road, the end of the old wooden bridge is just viewable at the extreme left of the picture. Behind the farm, on the right is the King Alfred monument.
HOOK BRIDGE The modern steel girder Hook Bridge at Turkey replaced an earlier wooden footbridge pictured below. Turkey Farm and Turkey Cottage could only be reached by vehicles and stock via Athelney bridge and a long route along the river bank.

STANMOOR BRIDGE The story of Stanmoor Bridge is one of decay and repair. At the Quarter Sessions, held in Wells in 1624, it was reported that "Stanmore Bridge is greatly decayed and dangerous." The parishes concerned were ordered to repair or remake the bridge. In 1648 the bridge was again very much in decay, and rates were ordered to be paid for its repair. Four years later Ralph Frauncis, a carpenter, claimed payment for a repair to a ”certen woodden bridge called Stanmore Bridge”. It would appear that the bridge was rebuilt in 1754 for a sum of £104. But, at a vestry meeting In 1780: "It being now reported to this meeting that Stanmoor Bridge a public Bridge lying in this Parish is now out of repair, and the same ought to be repaired by the Inhabitants of ten Parishes following, and by the proportions set against each of them, and that the sum of eight pounds is now necessary to be raised for the repair of the said Bridge. Resolved and ordered that Mr.Bendedict Barrington and Mr. Laurence Tuttiett the younger, Church Wardens of Gregory Stoke, do forthwith prepare a rate on the ten Parishes according to the proportions under named, and collect the same and apply."
In the picture below Stoke's old water tower is visible in the top left corner.