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Pubs & Shops


    Before the days of village shops Kelly's Directory provides examples of individuals selling various goods from their homes. The 'Overlander' van on the right was Harry Chedzoy's delivery vehicle when he ran the shop. In the picture is Fred House, his baker.

Stoke Shop - The First 100 Years

Click HERE

To see adverts from the parish magazine, click HERE



    Three of the village watering holes. Left: Athelney Inn, originally built as accommodation for railway construction workers (pictured in the great flood of 1929). Middle: Royal Oak, originally a Beer House. Right: The Railway Inn, Curload, later renamed the Pigeons, when it was bought by a maker of wicker pigeon baskets. Others no longer with us include the Black Smock, King's Head & Old King William. Kelly's directory refers to other individuals as beer retailers, making use of the 19th century act which made this type of license available for two guineas.

For details of some of the old Beerhouses, click HERE

For the early years at the Rose & Crown, click HERE

For the early years at the Royal Oak, click HERE

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