Stoke St Gregory History Pages
The Parish Book
The following are a few extracts from the parish records. Most of them need further research, and hopefully we can fill out the stories behind the entries.
3 Sept. At a vestry meeting. I choose and appoint Edward Barrington to be clerk of the Parish of S. St. Gregory under the favour and authority of Mr Wilson, now Vicar of this Parish. Signed, T. Goodwyn, Curate.
Jan. 28. At a vestry meeting, etc., concerning raising the sum of three pounds for to pay for a Bass Onne [bassoon] and to be raised again out of the Parish Rates. We whose names are written do agree, etc.
Feb. 4. Another meeting concerning raising the sum of three Pounds in part for a Bassoon and the Ch. Ws. or either of the Overseers pay the said money to Richard Brewer and the said money to be collected again and paid out of the rates. N.B. And also we doth consent and agree that the said Bassoon shall remain to the Church Gallery to be played in consort of Musick by whom or whosoever can play it.
June 29. A vestry meeting, etc. do consent and agree for the Ch. Ws. to pay for the prosecution of Henry Tuttiett and Thomas Francis for a breach of Felony against William Stawell for stealing his gees.
Oct 10. A vestry meeting, etc. concerning giving a yearly annuity to the singers, in respect of buying books of tunes and keeping the musickel instruments in repair. We doth consent and agree in given the sum of 2 pounds per year to be paid by the Ch. Ws. and a proper account be given in what respect the money is disbursted.
A meeting to choose a person as a perpetual overseer. Agreed with Mr. Wm. Brewer to act as such at £21 per annum. Also to nominated four different persons as Inspectors as an assistants to the said perpetual overseer who should attend every pay day or Vestry meeting either personally or by other assistants and for every ommission shall forfeit 5s.
March 5th. A meeting concerning new recasting, the third Bell by Mr Bilbie Bellfounder of Cullompton. Mr B agrees to provide a new bell at 21 pence per lb. and take the old Bell at 13d per lb. Mr B to be at no expense in Carpentery, Smithing, Timber, nor Iron nor carriage of the new Bell up orthe old Bell down. But Mr B shall before removing the old Bell produce the new one at our church or give sufficient security likewise risk the new Bell to our church.
Oct11. A vestry meeting for "choseing a Saxon" [sexton]. James Chidzoy chosen. Same day. For choseing a fit person for makeing the Parish Coffins. We agree in choice of Robert Keirle, Carpenter for the fixt price of 15s for persons above the age of 15 years and 10s for persons under that age.
Oct 13. A meeting concerning the raising monies for paying the purchase of the lives of the Church House and ground being £104. We agree to sell the several piece or parcel of ground belonging to the said Church House by Public Auction for the said purchase.